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Scott Hurlston

发布日期:2016-05-20 | 作者:网站主编  | 来源:未知

My name is Scott Hurlston and I teach spoken English to second year English major students here at Xinhua College. Chiefly, I see myself as a facilitator: providing useful communication tools for students who are already on their way to becoming advanced speakers.

I studied at Teesside University for two years. In that time, I graduated with first-class honours in Business Management and finished in the top 5% of my year group for the master’s degree the following year. Looking back, I know that I’ve been fortunate to study at a university which was at a high point in its history; I would also contend that mature students have an advantage; indeed, I was often able to draw on my own employment experiences during postgraduate study.

I’m proud to say that, for four years, I served as my local school’s youngest-ever governor. Having a strategic role on the school’s board was a great experience, not least because I saw the results of our strong ethos and sound policies in the standards we reached, and in the children that prospered.

This is the fourth Chinese institution in which I’ve worked. In the past, I’ve worked at Shunyi No.9 Middle School (Beijing), Pingxiang College and Dalian Maritime University. Whilst every school has its challenges, there’s always been something that I’ve learned and enjoyed along the way. I hope that I can set a good example to others and continue to help those on their way to fluency.

我叫Scott Hurlston,主要负责教授中大新华学院大二英语专业学生的英语口语课程。我把自己看成了一位学生的帮助者:为那些已经准备好成为一名外语流利的高阶英语学习者的同学们提供有用的交流工具。


