Antonio Camargo graduate from UBM university with a degree in engineering, and from Jinan University with a masters degree in business administration. He has worked in the education industry in China for more than six years, teaching many aspects of the Portuguese language and Brazilian culture to Chinese students. His courses includes Portuguese grammar, oral Portuguese, Portuguese comprehension, CELPE-Bras preparation and business Portuguese.
安东尼. 卡马戈拥有巴西UBM大学计算机工程专业学士学位,中国暨南大学工商管理硕士学位。他在中国的教育行业有六多年的工作经验,教授葡萄牙语与巴西文化等全面课程。他所教授的课程包括葡萄牙语语法、葡萄牙语口语、阅读理解、巴西葡萄牙语 CELPE-Bras备考和商务葡萄牙语。